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Code of Ethics and
Guidelines for Conduct

Code of ethics

All executives and employees of our company deeply recognize that ethics is a source of corporate competitiveness in the 21st century, and promise to actively participate in the implementation of the spirit of ethics charter so that our company can become a trusted company by customers.



We always act with dignity with the pride of advancing Korea's automobile parts industry, and reject all unethical acts in our daily lives and tasks.



We take the lead in creating a sound corporate culture that is faithful to principles and basics by thoroughly complying with all laws and company management policies in performing our given duties.



We take the lead in protecting the environment and contribute to society by thoroughly complying with all environmental laws.



We do not receive any form of financial benefit from stakeholders that may hinder fairness in relation to our duties, and we firmly reject unfair work demands and fraudulent solicitation.



We treasure customer information, tell customers only the truth, and make sure to fulfill our promises with them.



We protect trade secrets that we have learned in business and avoid any actions or relationships that conflict with the company and individual interests.



We strive to achieve pride and reward by doing our best in our duties with responsibility, and to contribute to the development of the country, society, and company through constant self-development.

Guidelines for ethical conduct

Article 1 [Prohibition of requesting, receiving, or providing financial benefits (including money, condolences, gifts, entertainment, convenience, and other cases) to stakeholders]


1. Definition of terminology

(1) The term "providing money and goods" means the provision of money (including cash, checks, bills, certificates of deposit and securities such as gift certificates, vouchers, etc.) or the proxy repayment (settlement) of debts.

(2) The term "salary and condolence money" means various subsidies, such as congratulatory money and condolence money, and gifts and food in lieu of subsidies, such as wreaths and flowers.

(3) The term "gift" means goods, accommodation tickets, membership tickets, air tickets, admission tickets, other economic benefits, etc.

(4) The term "entertainment and entertainment" means the act of bearing or bearing expenses for food (meal, refreshments, liquor, beverages, etc. with providers and stakeholders), sports (golf, etc.), gambling entertainment, performance, domestic and foreign tourism, etc.

(5) The term "ordinary level" for the provision and receipt of financial benefits means the level that meets the following requirements.

① It should be a level that can be understood as universal valid sound common sense, can prove legitimacy when disclosed, and should not be a burden on each other without affecting the handling of work in a fair position.

② It should be appropriate not only in terms of the amount, but also in terms of place, purpose, method, number of times, repetition cycle, timing, counterpart, content of cases, social ethics and social customs (customs).

③ Regardless of the amount, there should be no consideration.

④ It should not be prohibited by related laws such as the Solicitation Prohibition Act (within 30,000 won for meals, 50,000 won for gifts, and 100,000 won for congratulatory events).

⑤ The general level may vary depending on the specific situation, the nature of the work, and the position.


2. money and valuables

   (1) In any case, executives and employees shall not receive money, etc. from interested parties, and shall respectfully refuse or return them.

   (2) If you receive money and valuables without knowing it, you must report it to the management support team within three days from the date of receipt of the money and valuables. However, protection, such as guaranteeing the anonymity of reporters and prohibiting disadvantages, must be provided for those who report ethical management violations.

3. a congratulatory address

   (1) Do not receive or provide congratulatory money exceeding 100,000 won. If the amount of condolence money received from interested parties exceeds 100,000 won, the excess shall be respectfully returned afterwards.

   (2) The presentation or receipt of wreaths, flower pots, etc. related to promotion, transfer, inauguration, etc. shall be at a frugal level, and congratulatory messages or e-mails shall be used as much as possible.


4. Present

   (1) Do not receive or provide gifts that exceed the usual level. In the case of gifts, it is recommended to be within 50,000 won as a normal level.

   (2) If you receive a gift without knowing it or inevitably receive it due to reasons deemed rude to return it, you must report it to the management support team within three days from the date of receipt of the gift.

   (3) In the case of gifts reported pursuant to paragraph (2) above, it shall be treated as follows.

        ① In the case of gifts that can be returned, such as cases where there is no risk of loss or deterioration over time, they shall be immediately returned to the relevant stakeholder.

        ② In the case of a gift that cannot be returned, such as a risk of loss or deterioration over time, the gift shall be donated to a social welfare facility or religious organization in the name of the stakeholder who provided the gift and notified.


5. entertainment and hospitality

   (1) It does not receive or provide entertainment or entertainment exceeding the usual level. In the case of meal service, it is recommended that it is not more than 30,000 won per person. However, the frequency should not be frequent.

   (2) Gambling entertainment and entertainment (go-stop, poker, betting golf, casino, horse racing, experience, police, etc.) are absolutely prohibited regardless of the usual level.

   (3) Other than official gatherings or prior approval by the company, entertainment is received through sports events such as golf, skiing, etc., which are borne by stakeholders

        No, it doesn't work.

   (4) Report to the management support team within three days from the date of receiving and receiving entertainment or entertainment above the usual level provided by stakeholders

        It shall be done, and if instructed by the supervising team, measures such as the return of expenses shall be taken.


6. Other examples

   (1) Borrowing, buying, selling at a high price

        ① No act of renting assets or receiving collateral from interested parties shall be accepted, regardless of the amount, for the convenience or profit of executives and employees, their families, and relatives.

        ② Do not unfairly purchase movable property or real estate owned by stakeholders at free of charge or at a lower price than the market price, or make profits by selling movable property or real estate owned by executives and employees or their families at a higher price than the market price.

   (2) a loan guarantee

        At the time of loan (regardless of loan institution and loan amount), the guarantee shall not be required or accepted by the interested parties.

   (3) a loan of money

        Executives and employees shall not borrow or lend money from interested parties regardless of the amount.

   (4) Guarantee for the future (employment arrangement, contract signing promise, etc.)

        ① Stakeholders should not be required to employ or accept any form of commitment to post-retirement employment or equivalent, nor should stakeholders be required to guarantee any benefits, such as the conclusion of a post-retirement transaction promise, or accepted by stakeholders.

        ② When an offer such as employment security or transaction promise is received from an interested party, it shall immediately be reported to the supervising team.



Article 2 [Prohibition of illegal solicitation]

Executives and employees shall not make any illegal solicitation that may be socially criticized by stakeholders directly or through a third party.


Article 3 [Prohibition of unfair equity investment in partner companies]


1. Executives and employees shall not unfairly acquire shares of their partners in the name of themselves, their families, and relatives, jointly invest with stakeholders, or acquire property by using their positions and positions.


2. No partner company shall be substantially owned in the name of executives and employees themselves or their families or relatives.


3. Executives and employees shall not directly or in the name of family members or relatives to serve as executives and employees of a partner company or perform the duties of the partner company


Article 4 [Manipulation of documents and counts, false reports]


1. Manipulation and modulation of documents and coefficients

    ① No manipulation or modulation of documents or counts that are different from the facts due to intentional or carelessness shall be made.

    ② In particular, all accounting documents, including settlement of accounts, should be prepared fairly in accordance with tax laws and corporate accounting standards and reported to stakeholders such as shareholders.

    ③ All documents and counts of a certain type that executives and employees record and submit to the company shall be accurately and honestly prepared.

    ④ If a document or coefficient is arbitrarily manipulated to cause damage to the company, it shall bear civil and criminal liability.


2. a false report

   (1) If a false report is made in the performance of the business and interferes with or damages the management of the company, it is liable for this.

   (2) The same shall apply to cases where business information is arbitrarily manipulated and falsely reported.


Article 5 [Illegal or Unfair Use of Company Assets]


1. Definition of terminology

    The term "illegal or unfair use of corporate assets" means any act that wastes or interferes with business by using corporate assets without permission, including the following acts defined.

   (1) Other uses of tangible and intangible assets

        ① An act of using tangible assets of a company, such as equipment and equipment, without permission or taking them out to the outside for the purpose of sale, etc

        ② The act of using various consumables, etc. that are not suitable for the purpose of use or for personal use

        ③ The act of using or unauthorized leakage of intangible intellectual assets of a company that should be protected by confidential information, such as business information, for the purpose of profit of oneself or others

   (2) embezzlement and utilization of public funds (budget and expenses)

        ① Unauthorized use of the company's public funds


2. the basic principles

   (1) The company's tangible and intangible assets and confidential information are important assets of the company, and these assets should not be used for purposes not directly related to personal or corporate affairs, and executives and employees are assetsbe responsible for the loss, misuse and theft of.

   (2) The company's budget and expenses shall be executed reasonably and efficiently in accordance with the purpose and standards as public funds. Public money is a limited resource invested to generate new profits and increase the value of the company, so it should be efficiently executed through fair and transparent procedures.


3. Prohibition of use of intangible and intangible assets outside of their intended use

   (1) Company assets (human and material resources) should not be used for work-related tasks without justifiable reasons, or work hours should be devoted to private matters to hinder work efficiency.

   (2) Assets such as vehicles, PCs, and various goods should be used only for business activities and should not be used for personal purposes. During working hours, they do not surf the Internet, stock, chat, or entertainment that are not directly related to their job performance.

   (3) The company's electronic communication network shall be used only for business execution or licensed purposes, and shall not be misused for unhealthy and commercial purposes (side business of oneself or others, business promotion, etc.), or any leakage of confidential information using the company system.

   (4) He/she shall not use information or knowledge acquired through the use of his/her position or duties to obtain illegal profits, run a business, or engage in other people's affairs for the purpose of personal profit.

        ① Use the company's internal information directly or indirectly learned in relation to the performance of duties to prevent oneself or others from obtaining unfair benefits.

            A) Do not provide the company's undisclosed internal information and receive the consideration, or directly use the information to make unfair profits, such as investing in stocks.

            B) Even if you retire from the company, intellectual property rights, information, and technology acquired in connection with your work shall not be provided or used to others to obtain personal benefits.

        ② Do not engage in for-profit side work activities or double employment that may interfere with work without the company's permission.

            A) It shall not establish and operate side business activities, double employment, or a separate company other than the company's business that may interfere with work for the sake of personal profit without the company's permission.

            B) Do not make a indirect investment in the name of yourself, your family, or relatives in a partner company with a business relationship.

            C) Multi-level sales and sales activities are strictly restricted, and the purchase of the relevant goods shall not be forced on executives and employees or interested parties for the purpose of supporting the multi-level sales of themselves, their families, relatives, and acquaintances.


4. embezzlement/use of public money

   (1) All public funds shall be used in accordance with the original purpose under the regulations and shall not be intercepted and ousted or arbitrarily diverted for other purposes.

   (2) It is absolutely not allowed to withdraw the company's funds by filing a false claim for expenses that have not actually occurred.

   (3) Expenses incurred for purposes unrelated to the company's business shall not be treated as company expenses.

        ① Entertainment expenses, meeting expenses, department operation expenses, business trip expenses, etc. shall not be used for personal entertainment or social expenses, etc.

        ② Corporate cards should not be used for personal purposes.

   (4) Investment budgets and ordinary material purchase costs should be reasonably set and executed in accordance with business regulations.


Article 6 [Formation of an organizational culture that trusts and respects each other]

1. Executives and employees shall not make any words or actions that harm sound peer relationships, including physical, verbal, and visual actions that cause discomfort and fear to others.


2. Executives and employees do their best to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.

    In this Regulation, sexual harassment in the workplace (hereinafter referred to as sexual harassment) refers to any of the following acts that cause employers, superiors, or workers to feel sexual humiliation or disgust due to sexual behavior, etc.

   (1) the act of touching a particular body part or physical contact

   (2) the act of making obscene jokes or telling lewd and vulgar stories (including cell phone texts, SNS, phone calls, etc.)

   (3) the act of making sexual comparisons or evaluations of appearance

   (4) the act of forcing or conciliating a sexual relationship

   (5) the act of forcing people to sit next to each other and pour alcohol at a company dinner

   (6) Posting or showing obscene pictures, paintings, graffiti, publications, etc. (including using online communication or smartphones)

   (7) any other language or behavior recognized by conventional wisdom as causing sexual humiliation



Article 7 [Company Information Protection and Document Management]

1. Company information protection

   (1) For the protection of the company's information, it is familiar with and complies with the security management regulations.

   (2) When a company's trade secrets are lectured, disclosed, or provided to an external institution at a meeting, external lecture, seminar, etc., it must undergo an official approval process.

   (3) Customer DB, etc. shall not be used arbitrarily for private purposes without approval.

   (4) Management and control should be taken to prevent the company's important information from being leaked to the outside world without permission, and appropriate security measures should be taken for this purpose.


2. Document management

    Records and reports of all information shall be made accurately and honestly, and executives and employees shall keep records of all documents related to decision-making in accordance with document management regulations.


Article 8 [Restriction on payment of honorarium for external lectures, etc.]

1. Executives and employees shall request "external lectures, etc." from public officials and comply with the standard for the amount to be paid for them.

2. When an executive officer or employee pays an honorarium exceeding the amount under paragraph (1), he/she shall report it to the supervising team and request the recipient to return the excess amount.


Article 9 [Honest International Business]

Executives and employees shall not improperly pay or propose cash or any value in any form. This applies to all stakeholders performing business on behalf of the company. In addition, executives and employees should not pay express fees. Express fees include prompt handling of routine government tasks such as visa issuance or customs clearance procedures, or payment of consideration to ensure success.

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